West Tech Alumni
Alumni, CMS, Ecommerce
westtechalumni.comWest Tech Alumni is a non-profit organization that helps bring a community of people who are Alma mater to the historic West Tech High school in Cleveland Ohio. This school was home to over 100,000 students spanning over 83 years. I was fortunate enough to work with the West Tech Alumni Association during GiveCamp 2023 to help bring this website to life.
- Wanted to setup a webshop in order to allow people purchase merchandise from the non-profit.
- Wanted ability to make sales in person at events.
- Wanted automated email system for orders.
- Wanted events system.
- Wanted a way to make changes and updates without a developer assistance.
- Create sitewide documentation
- Add redirect for .org address they owned
The site allows the working members to login in and update information.
All Projects (15)